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The best WYSIWYG option for Drupal is no WYSIWYG

What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editors for Drupal are abundant. Good ones are not. Most WYSIWYG editors for Drupal produce messy markup and don’t respect the site’s CSS theme. Additionally, many of them don’t integrate well with Drupal and cause problems on certain browsers. Worse yet, almost none of them work on Apple and Android tablets and smartphones. There are a few decent WYSIWYG editors for Drupal that can produce decent markup if the writer uses the tool properly. But they are often abused by users who insist on typing up their post in Microsoft Word and then pasting it into the WYSIWYG editor, resulting in awfully messy code that renders terribly. What can be done to avoid these multiple issues? The answer: Don’t use WYSWIYG editors. Now, a Drupal site without WYSIWYG editing does not mean that all users need to become HTML gurus. To the contrary, there are several options for creating content in Drupal in an easy and clean way that doesn’t use messy WYSIWYG editors. Read more

How to use Google CSE with Drupal

It’s been a long time since I visited my site’s Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) settings page. I was happy to see that in 2012 Google apparently added a new option to sort results by date, as well as site image searching. This should be a real boon for users. But at the same time, I noticed that under the Look and Feel settings, it now says that the iFrame display method is deprecated. That’s fine by me, iFrames have been discouraged by web developers for years, so I’m glad to see that Google is moving away from them. So, I happily inserted the new Google CSE code into my Drupal 6 site and tried out the search function, only to be greeted by this error: Page not Found But fortunately, there is a workaround. And it’s not at all easy to find this information on the Internet. Background First of all, I should explain how I implemented the Google CSE on my Drupal 6 site. Read more

Why I use and prefer Drupal

A user once asked me, “If you did it all over again, what CMS would you use?” That’s a good question. I honestly don’t consider myself to be an authority on the subject, but I’d like to share my experience with Drupal 6 as my CMS for a forum site during the past few years. Background In terms of time and experience, to say nothing of my sites, I’m pretty heavily invested in Drupal. I had an initial false start about six years ago with Joomla and a bridge to make SMF forums run inside Joomla. The Joomla part of the site was hacked multiple times, although SMF was never hacked. But I hated having two separate CMS running in tandem, and I grew to hate Joomla’s interface. As for SMF forums, it was fairly capable as a forum, but ugly as sin, not very extensible, and not easy to modify. Read more