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Detailed test of Brave Search (beta)

Since my last in-depth comparison review of search engines in 2020, there are two new and very promising options: Whoogle, designed as an anonymous proxy to Google, and Brave Search, which is a new and independent search engine that we’ll review in this article. I’m genuinely excited about Brave Search. As mentioned in previous articles on this site, I am a pragmatist, not a privacy pundit. However, I have become increasingly frustrated with Google’s search performance, and its commercial focus is increasingly imposing and overt. I can’t shake the feeling that Google is wielding its massive trove of personal information and its artificial intelligence prowess with a view to taking advantage of me instead of offering me better service. Unfortunately, the alternatives up until now have been sadly lacking, and Google continues to be the defacto search engine by a massive margin. Even a company as large as Microsoft with its deep pockets and massive human and technical resources has failed to turn its Bing product into a compelling alternative search engine. Read more